Saturday, October 18, 2008


All hail to the Gatorade!

It was our turn to bring snacks for the players after the soccer game. Bruce and Anastasia were at a youth event, so Xander and I went solo.

As the wind whips through me, I am thankful that we only have two games left. The start time for the evening games had to be shifted to make sure we are done by dark.

Here’s some Gatorade factoids:

What Gatorade flavors are most popular?
The most popular flavors of Gatorade continue to be Lemon Lime, Orange, and Fruit Punch.

The Gatorade name comes from The University of Florida football team, the “Gators”. Gatorade Thirst Quencher was invented at The University of Florida to assist their athletes in combating the dehydration that limited their performance-hence “Gator…ade.”

In 1985, Jim Burt, who played for the New York Giants, was the first football player to dump a cooler of Gatorade on a coach when he drenched Bill Parcells.

To prevent dehydration when exercising, weigh yourself before and after your workout. Water will quench your thirst but it isn't that good for preventing dehydration. It turns off your thirst before you get all the fluids you need, and it doesn't contain the important electrolytes that you lose when perspiring.


Marie said...

I always enjoy all the facts that you find. I'll have to go get some more Gatorade (Fruit Punch is all we drink here).

lynette said...

I actually knew those gator facts :) I actually had water intoxication once so I watch it very closely.

nwscrapmom said...

Interesting factoids!