Tuesday, January 1, 2008

How I got here

My 2008 new years resolutions are as follows: lose weight (the same 10 pounds I lose every year, plus the last five pounds to get to my goal), take my earned vacation before it expires, scrapbook more, and take more photos. For a scrapbooker, I took very few photos in 2007, and that makes me sad.

My internet scrapbook buddies started talking about Project 365, taking a photo a day. I decided I would try it, that would be a good way to take more photos. Then Lynette set up a blog. I didn't see myself as a blogger, but I could see how it would keep me accountable and energized to stick with it. And Bruce offered to help (well, do it, really!).

So here I am. And boy is it different to choose a photo, journal about it, and share it, versus just knowing that you shot a few photos with no real care whether they turned out great.

1 comment:


Hi Michele,


I was just browsing through something, and got into your blog. Though its not related to my search, just read few posts. Its not easy to upload a pic everyday and write a word about it.

Bookmarked ur page and will see whenever got time.