Saturday, January 19, 2008


I drove over 5 hours today.

My mission? To get tennis shoes at the wide shoe store (my shoes are not just wide, but are double wide!), and to visit my grandparents in north Seattle. They will be leaving in two weeks for a two month trek to California, Arizona, and their timeshare in Mazatlan.

This isn't the best photo of Grama Bunnie and Grampa Rod, but they seem to be hard to photograph. We were playing SkipBo; I smoked them not once, but twice. I lived with "G&G", as I call them, during the summers and for two years of college, and we played a lot of games. Rummy, Chinese checkers, Dominoes. Now its SkipBo, Mexican train, and dice games.

Long day, but good to spend time with family.


Marie said...

How fun to play games with mom's wanting to have a game day on Monday since we're all off. They look like very nice people.

nwscrapmom said...

I'm seeing a theme with the colors... I think your Grandma must like burgundy. That's neat that you were able to go spend time with them. I've only got one grandparent left... my grandma on my dad's side, and she'll be 90 this year.

lynette said...

I'm familiar with Skip Bo! It's great that you are so close. Oh, and can I go to Mazatlan too?

Anonymous said...

I've come to believe that grandparents are harder to photograph than toddlers, but you did a great job!