Thursday, January 24, 2008


This necklace holder is a gift I bought myself last year. It's marketed as a wall mounted metal necklace holder with inlaid emerald metallic glass tiles. It hangs right by the toilet in our main bathroom.

I knew that if I could see my necklaces that I would wear them more. I like to hide them away in spots that thieves would not quickly find them. And that stopped me from buying any type of holder for a long time. Our house was robbed when I was growing up, and it left an impression. If a druggy took my necklaces for a quick pawn, I would be really sad. Not because any of my jewelry is worth very much money, but because most of the necklaces have fond memories. One is even passed down from my great grandmother.

Now they hang in a hidden alcove, but where I see them. And I almost always grab one as part of my morning routine. An added bonus of a hanging holder instead of a jewelry case is that I can easily try a shorter or longer style if my first choice doesn't work with my shirt.

I collect
Willow Trees, books, scrapbook supplies, salad dressing, and necklaces. Simple pleasures for a simple girl with a warped brain.


lynette said...

Salad Dressing? Your necklaces look great. You think if I hung my scrap supplies I'd use them more often?

Marie said...

You collect salad dressing? I just got my first Willow Tree. Nice necklace's good to keep things where you will use them.

nwscrapmom said...

That is one thing this packrat doesn't own, surprisingly enough... necklaces. I have one that I wear daily. A simple gold chain with a little hibuscus charm Stacy bought for me in Hawaii. As far as Willow Tree... I just got my first one, too. They are so pretty!