Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Our house has been a hub of activity, as we get ready to go on our trip. People running to and fro, lists on top of lists, three back-to-back trips to prepare for.

Insert into that a month end, finalizing Money files, and the “budget discussions”. One side thinks food prices are way up. Another side thinks we are just way out of control on eating out, dessert, coffee, and grocery trips.

It seems to be easier to flitter away to another activity or try to drum up another FarmTown neighbor than deal with any of this real life stuff.

“For the last 21 months, food manufacturers, restaurants and livestock producers have been absorbing significant costs that in my view are likely to be passed on to consumers in 2009 and beyond,” - Bill Lapp, economist


Marie said...

I agree that food prices are way up. A box of Nilla Wafers was over $4 yesterday at the store...they're just simple little cookies! Store brand was under $2, but they're just not the same.

lynette said...

Some prices are definitely going up!! It's a budget killer.