Thursday, July 2, 2009


I vow to take more photos tomorrow. I've really been slacking.

Today I missed the perfect photo. I decided not tot go back for my camera. "We're just going to lunch". Well, we ended up eating lunch at an adorable little sidewalk cafe table downtown. Olde Creekside, my favorite place to get a yummy salad. Would have been a great photo.

I also vow to not spend a ton of time on Facebook tomorrow. Lynette has dubbed it a neverending destroyer of productive time, and I highly value productivity. Starting out, I just want to check out so many profiles; especially the people I haven't stayed in touch with.

“I'm surprised at how much has burrowed itself into real life along with instant messaging, text messaging and e-mail, ... It's another reason to be on the
Net. So many people come back because it's fun and useful. They use it to find people, they meet people, organize a party and so many other things.”
- Chris Hughes


Diana said...

lol yup.......before you know it you will have it on your cell phone and be an addict like the rest of us:)

lynette said...

um yeah, what Diana said. I have it on my ipod and check it out from bed. Be warned friend.

Diana said...

lol that is why I take my phone and eyeglasses to bed with me...they are tucked safely under the second pillow...good thing I sleep alone!

Sherry said...

Finding you was the best part for me but I am far too busy to get addicted. I check it about once a week.