Sunday, July 26, 2009


Today church was at the center of our activities.

In the morning we had a special service and congregational meeting to vote in our new Associate Pastor. Meaning that the Associate Pastor Search Committee is disbanded as of next week and I get my life back! Plus we get an energetic, thoughtful, and fun new pastor! Double yay!

In the afternoon Bruce and the kids headed off to a week long youth summer camp at Mt. Hood. I went to church to watch the festivities for awhile, but am so glad I won’t be dealing with massive driving, rock climbing, muck wars, 80’s hairstyles, or teen drama this week.

FYI: The only Fischer in the photo is Xander, and his back is to the camera.


lynette said...

Busy, busy. Enjoy your week.

Diana said...

no kids for a whole week!!! I am so with ya. Looking forward to seeing you Wed....

I am looking forward to hearing about the new pastor and his family.