Monday, July 6, 2009


I asked for a family photo for my blog shot tonight. Xander complained, we just did one. Then I said with us juggling oranges. What?!? I have a quote with oranges. It was entertaining trying to capture non-jugglers with a photo timer.
Bruce moved the couch today to make room for video equipment. He's having way too much fun with his new video camera. It won't be staying this way, but it does change the look of the room.
"If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct." - Letty Cottin Pogrebin


Marie said...

Love the photo! Way to get some action in the shot. The quote's great, too...where do you find so many great ones?

lynette said...

That is a great photo concept!! I love it.