Thursday, April 2, 2009


We’re 25% through the year, are you 25% done with your goals?

Good progress:
Relinquish the need to do our finances my way and work with Bruce to put aside more money. Stop feeling deprived when I'm not spending excessively.
Change my mindset that I have to do everything, do it quickly, and do it perfectly at work. I haven’t delegated enough, but I am working less!

Minor progress:
Scrapbook more and relinquish the idea that it takes incredible energy to organize and create.
Work on Christmas projects, and make fruitcake this year!

No progress:
Lose at least 10 of my extra 15 pounds. Eat well and exercise. And this leads me to my photo. I am committed to stop being overweight, but have not seen results. This week I started eating differently and I’m gearing up to exercise more. I LOVE these salads with over 10 ingredients in them.

“The most important thing about having goals is having one.” - Abert F. Geoffrey


lynette said...

Well there is still 75% of the year left. I'd say you are doing great!

Live, Laugh, Love said...

Exercising is such a chore, I would much rather create....and I LOVE salads.

Good Luck