Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today I begin a walking tour of my neighborhood.

This was an on-line photography/scrapbooking course I took, where the teacher took her camera and meandered around her town in a half mile each direction from her house, taking photos of interesting things she saw. Her thought is that even in this fast paced, multi tasking, crazy making world she lives in, some of the most beautiful and simple things are just outside our front door. And we often don't take the time to see them.

I decided not to do this all in one day, but to break it up into several mini outings. With the weather improving, the light staying longer in the evening, wanting to move more, and embracing adventure, seems like a perfect project. It was a still a bit windy and cold today though!

I have noticed more larger circular windows in Longview than anywhere else, so I thought that was a noteworthy photo.

“Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.”
George Bernard Shaw


Marie said...

I wish I had a circular window...they are so pretty.

lynette said...

How cool! That is a neat project too. I may have to steal that idea :)