Monday, March 16, 2009


Don't you hate it when the image you have in your head is shattered by what you see in the mirror?

I think I look sophisticated in slacks and a sweater. But today when I caught a glimpse of myself in the women's restroom mirror, I saw the sidekick from Scooby Doo. Y'know, Velma? I think it's the thick turtleneck and the curled under bob. But Velma has a hot mini skirt, and I can't even pull off that look.

Speaking of Scooby Doo, anyone want a dog? My SIL is trying to find a new home for an elderly dog that would be a great companion for
someone without young kids in the house.

Velma: All you care about are swimsuit models.
Fred: Hey, I'm a man of substance. Dorky chicks like you turn me on, too."
- from the Scooby Doo movie


lynette said...

I'm sure that's not true but it does paint a funny image. I love that line from the movie!

Anonymous said...

Hey I love Velma!! I was her last summer for Summer camp, I introduced myself to the camp speaker as "just call me Velma Vagabond" and then tony did his scooby doo impression "ruh ro"

Live, Laugh, Love said...

I feel your pain, I leave the house looking what I think is nice and pretty and by mid day I look at my self in the work mirror and think "what happened?".


Marie said...

I know that "look in the mirror"'s really not how I think I look.

nwscrapmom said...

Yikes. I think you look just fine, but I can totally relate to the mirror not showing what your own mental image was.