Friday, March 27, 2009


Tonight we made the trek "all the way to Kelso" so that Anastasia could spend her allowance on the Twilight movie. We had to get it at Target due to the exclusive extras.

So she and I watched the movie again tonight. That was not in my original plan, but hey, it is Friday night. Friday night of spring break, no less.

Now that I am almost done with book 3, it is fun to watch knowing more of the characters. Anastasia also put the movie on her ipod, so I see more Twilight in our future.

“Lisa, vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and eskimos”
Dan Castellaneta


Marie said...

We just rented it but haven't yet seen it. I loved the books!

lynette said...

All the way to Kelso, huh? Funny stuff.