Sunday, May 24, 2009


Faith, noun
1. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
2. Strong belief in something, esp. without proof
3. Complete confidence or trust

I've been gardening long enough that I should have faith that at least half of the seeds will sprout and produce. But as I was sowing today, I found myself planning to buy starter plants in two weeks when my seeds fail to poke up. My radishes are doing awesome; my spinach and lettuce would feed a Lilliputian family; the carrots I planted on Mothers Day are starting to show their leafy tops. And yet I lack faith that the balloon flowers, black eyed susans, cosmos, marigolds, peppers, and cherry tomatoes that I started from seed today will take off. Time will tell.

When I saw these rainbow spiral tomato supports in a garden supply catalog, I couldn't resist bringing a bit of whimsy to our back alley. A big thank you shout out to Bruce for his help in the yard today. I'd still be hand weeding the parking strip, left to my own devices!

"I'm going to change.
Into someone helpful.
Oh, my clothes too!"
- Bruce, getting ready to garden with me


Diana said...

I am half planted over the colored spiral tomato spikes. I've planted tomatoes, green, yellow, and orange peppers, lemon cucumbers, green cucumbers, crooknecked squash, zucchini squash, yellow squash, and still have acorn seeds, pumpkin, watermelon, green beans, and a tomatillo to plant.

lynette said...

WOW! Looks like you got a lot done. I wish you the best of luck in them sprouting.