Sunday, May 10, 2009


Did you know that Mother's Day started in 1908 by an activist named Anna Jarvis?

I am thankful to be a mom:
- To two kids that at their worst are better than a strong willed toddler.
- Who gets input into meals on her special day.
- With sweet kids with big hearts.
- With a light Sunday School attendance today after imagining the worst.
- With new expensive brushes from Mary Kay
- Whose kids are old enough to mange their own hygiene, food intake (mostly), and sleeping habits.

"God bless our faithful good mothers." - Anna Jarvis


Diana said...

Sounds like you had a well deserved Happy Mothers Day! The older the kids get the better it is:)

Live, Laugh, Love said...

Most of the time it is so rewarding to be a mom, isn't it?

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Marie said...

Love the colorful outfits. :) Hope your day was great.

Lesa said...

Anna Jarvis was from my grandmother's church in West Virgina! least she told it that way!

lynette said...

You mean is wasn't started by Hallmark? I kid :)