Monday, May 11, 2009


"What are your plans now?" - Bruce, after I walked in the door from a 2 1/2 hour meeting
"Well, I still need a blog photo, then e-mail." - Me
"Me! Me! Me! Take a picture of me!" - Xander as he headed off to bed.

He even put on some clothes for the occasion, what a guy!
I wish I could be comfortable hanging out in my BVD's.
Or that I could suntan as easily as him.
Or that I could go to bed with a book before 9pm.
I also wish that I had friends like Xander has and a carefree outlook on life like he does.

Thanks for the blog shot, little man.


Live, Laugh, Love said...

Get photos of them while you can because eventually they won't let you take pictures and you will have to steal them like I do.


lynette said...

He had such a great smile!

Marie said...

Going to bed with a book before 9 would be the best...

Shannon said...

How about friends.