Sunday, June 7, 2009


Bruce calls this his pirate cyborg look.

As I see it, I have two options. One is to throw a fit and insist that he throw the broken glasses away and act his age. Or I can just go with the flow and wait for him to get bored with yet another phase of amusing those around him.

I almost took option one, but I decided it doesn't really matter. Maybe I'm maturing, even if he isn't. :)

What's your cyborg name?
B.R.U.C.E.: Biomechanical Robotic Unit Calibrated for Exploration
M.I.C.H.E.L.E.: Mechanical Intelligent Construct Hardwired for Exploration and Logical Education
A.N.A.S.T.A.S.I.A.: Artificial Networked Android Skilled in Troubleshooting, Accurate Sabotage and Immediate Assassination
A.L.E.X.A.N.D.E.R.: Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Xpert Assassination, Nocturnal Destruction and Efficient Repair

Party on!


Diana said...

tee are sooo right on! He will never mature though. He is Bruce.

The names are too cool! Totally fitting all personalities too:)

Bruce said...

Don't mess with the cyboRRRRRRg

lynette said...

Love the cyborg names. Too fun! Bruce is quite the character but that's how things stay interesting.