Monday, June 15, 2009


As I watered the garden tonight, I was surprised to see so many weeds taking root. They weren't there this weekend when I made my rounds!

On the other hand, it has only been a few days since I harvested the lettuce and spinach to a nub, and it is also back full and ready to harvest again. Now that I am eating two big salads a day and insisting the others eat more salad, I doubt we can stop buying lettuce this summer, but we'll see. I keep planting seeds every three weeks for a steady crop.

"I have seen that community and a close relationship with the land can enrich human life beyond all comparison with material wealth or technical sophistication." - Helena Norberg-Hodge


lynette said...

I'm sure your garden is great. Weeds are such a nuisance though.

Marie said...

If only your lettuce grew that fast! Good idea staggering your planting.