Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Bruce and I have been marveling a the fact that both of our kids are on staff at VBS this year. Xander was in kindergarten when we moved to Longview.

Today was the first day of Vacation Bible School. Xander is in his last official year, where his age groups acts as snack preparers and helpers to the lower ages. Today he built fishing pole snacks: a fat straight pretzel with licorice shoelaces tied to the "pole" and to a gummy worm, set on a plate with fishy crackers "swimming" nearby. Anastasia chose to help in the toddler room this year. She hugged on the little kids and chatted about boy crushes with her friends.

After that three hours, they headed to Week of Worship, the youth group afternoon mission project of painting, landscaping, and fixing up a nearby home. The kids are pretty tuckered out tonight.

“Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.” - Euripides


Marie said...

That's great that they are doing that (and posing together, too!)

lynette said...

Good for them!