Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I started participating in Operation Christmas Child (AKA shoebox ministries) when we lived in Aberdeen. I would order small trinkets from Oriental Trading Company, raid the dollar store, and involve the kids in packing at least a dozen boxes each year.

When we moved to Longview and started coordinating church social events, I started hosting an annual mission night where we all go to Wal-mart together and see if we can fill a shoebox for $20. This event is coming up on Friday, and tonight is my prep night. Gathering shoeboxes, sending out e-mail reminders, printing off labels and letters to tuck inside, thinking through the logistics for pizza and Minister's Delight. It will be an extra challenge to fill it for $20 this year, prices seem to be rising fast.

But this shoebox here has a funny story. Bruce found it the other day. It was in a movers box that had not been opened since we moved from Aberdeen. In 2004! The candy needs replacing, but otherwise it's ready to turn in this year!


lynette said...

That is hilarious! One box already ready helps with the budget. Can I send you a 20?

nwscrapmom said...

Those shoeboxes are something we have always wanted to do, but it seems I get sidetracked one way or another. Good for you for making it a tradition! (And the Minister's Delight sounds yummy!)