Monday, November 10, 2008


Wandering around the house tonight looking for a blog topic.

I'd like to get some photos of our log yard at work, but I am too busy to take the time right now. I took some photos of my laptop, since I packed it home again tonight, but it is pretty boring. I photographed a Noah's Ark tapestry because the rains are supposedly coming to Cowlitz County in storm warning levels.

But this photo won out. Some people keep dishes in their cupboards, but our dining room built-ins are full of photos. These photos of the kids are my favorites. I think they are both about 9 months. Anastasia tolerated hats very well. Xander tolerated little of anything, but you sure can't tell in this photo!

“Nostalgia: A device that removes the ruts and potholes from memory lane.”- Doug Larson


nwscrapmom said...

I bet your house is beautiful having the built-ins in the dining room. Do you decorate them for Christmas? These are neat pictures of the kids. I used to have all mine out, but most photos are boxed up still from our move.

lynette said...

Very cute pictures. Gotta love a happy baby :)

Marie said...

That's a neat way to showcase your photos.