Sunday, March 21, 2010


Another full day.

- Teach Sunday School to 8 active preschoolers.
- Hang around the house, doing Sunday chores and doing more tenant-landlord research.
- Explore the new produce stand; buy enough fruit to make it to grocery day tomorrow.
- Head to Portland to shop for (and ultimately purchase) 42" TV's.
- Driving around downtown in the rain with a huge TV in the back killing time until dinner.
- Purchase more tenant-landlord books at Powell's.
- Dinner at Chipolte's. My birthday coming, my choice.
- Chocolate cherry milkshake at Burgerville.

I have lots of photos to choose from, but decided on this one at the Oregon Holocaust Memorial. They have abandoned belongings bolted to the ground on the approach. The whole experience is very impressive and sobering.

"I'd rather be called Alex than Dick." - Xander's funny quote of the day, after learning Dick is a nickname for Richard.

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