Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today was another relaxing and restful day on the peninsula.

We all (well, not Grandpa Jerry) went stand up paddle boarding today. I took my camera. The instructor thought I was confident I wouldn't fall in. Bruce thought I wanted a new camera when I fell in. I just really wanted some photos of the experience. It was a challenge to stop rowing, get the camera out of my pocket, get the camera on, take my photos, stow the camera again, and start rowing again without the wind sending me into something, but I got my photos. Anastasia was really good at it, Xander finally warmed up to it, and Bruce decided he hated it.

The guys went to the driving range, I got more of my book read, we had a great Thai dinner, and after dinner we explored a WWII Rosey the Riveter park and watched an episode of Nightmare Kitchen in preparation for tomorrow's adventure.

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