Monday, July 11, 2011


Not the best photo, but the only one I have for today, so I’m going with it.

Tonight started a four week series on finding spiritual vitality in the land of plenty at church. With a potluck with plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and even a veggie burger. Life is good, if I just ignore that ever growing to do list at work and at home.

One discussion topic was that in the 1970’s, people invited others over an average of 15 times a year. Now the average is half that. We cocoon in our homes with our TV and technology instead of seeking out community. And yet, Starbucks, one of my favorite places, is selling community more than commodity.

Even introverts have been empowered by God to open their lives up to other people. This resonates as I mentally and physically prepare to embark on a week of more relationship and less privacy than I have maybe ever encountered.

1 comment:

Angela Mannino said...

I really like your last statement... To seek relationship more than privacy. I find that being with others brings out more joy and fun in me. Thanks for the reminder! :)