Sunday, January 21, 2024



We have 18 Weyerhaeuser people in our group, and maybe another 10 from Deloitte US.  We travel in caravans of hired cars, three to a car.  That's a lot of cars, a lot of people, a lot of waiting and checking that everyone is present and... it's a lot to try to sightsee together, but today we visited Chowmahalla palaces and the Charminar monument.

I took a lot of photos of traffic, since I was riding shotgun, but it is difficult the capture the chaos.  Motorbikes everywhere, most with up to four people, no lanes, lots of friendly honking, auto rickshaws, pedestrians taking their lives into their hands crossing, not a lot of street lights, sheep and goats and stray dogs along the road.  It always feels like a blessing to arrive an a destination!

Nice day to acclimate and try to become less jet lagged before we hit the office tomorrow.

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