Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year! Bruce and I got the kids settled to and from their youth events, then headed to the Country Club for some grown up time.

I gave myself the last day of 2011 as another lay around day to rest up and try to get well so I can start 2012 strong… anything that didn’t get done this year will have to wait awhile, and that’s OK.

Taking stock of the year, my focus word for 2011 has been:

re·fine (re-fine) verb

1. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing.
2. treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition
3. reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities

4. To free from coarse, unsuitable, or immoral characteristics

What went well:
More gains made in nutrition and exercise. Ran a 5K with friends and family.
Family mission trip was all I hoped for and more, as was our family Sabbath.
Huge strides in pruning my schedule, rearranging priorities to capture more peace with my world, and spending more time with God.

Where I fell down:
Health, which impacted energy levels to adventure seek. No climbing of Mt St Helens, no kayak, white water trip, or whale watching, and I still haven’t visited the darn Monarch Statue Garden!
Hobbies took a back seat as I rearranged priorities, although photo classes were plentiful and fulfilling.

1 comment:

Ingunn said...

Yay, a fellow MMEW participant and PNW hiker! I would definitely recommend St. Helens as a goal, I did it a couple of years ago and the view from the top into the crater is amazing.