Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Wednesday is my day to visit the produce stand and stock up on fruit. I wanted to stop at lunchtime, since I drive by on my way back from PeEll, but was too pressed for time. Noticed someone in a carrot costume in the pouring rain when I drove by. Still raining hard after work, but this time it was someone in a grape costume under and umbrella.

The past few weeks I haven’t bought as much, but today I made up for it. Anastasia requested satsumas. We can always use more bananas. I’ve been enjoying the brussel sprout clusters. I decided to try a pink pummelo, a huge grapefruit like citrus. I expressed sadness that the Pink Lady apples were already gone, and he found some in the back, so add those in too. So much good food, so little time…

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