Saturday, May 30, 2020


From rally to rioting and looting.

Emotions are running high after more police brutality, this time in Minneapolis.  Thousands gathered at Westlake Park, despite rain and COVID.  We heard a great speech.  I could relate to being a comfortable white American at home on the computer while blacks are working on the front lines to maintain my standard of living.  But I could also relate to being a white ally, using my white privilege to push change.  #SOCIALJUSTICE

As we were walking away from the gathering we started hearing flash bangs and seeing big clouds of tear gas.  Bruce couldn't stand to not circle back to see the action.  I saw some early distruction to a Starbucks window and police vehicles vandalized until I couldn't be around any longer.  Bruce stuck around to see the vehicle fires, looting, and city wide curfew.

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