Sunday, August 30, 2015


Today we did a loop to Beaverton and back, to get Xander’s tennis racquets restrung and to Ingress a bit.  This photo was taken in quaint St Helens, a town we’ve been trying to visit for several months.
The union hall makes me think of the strike that has started since I’ve been off work at a neighboring wood products facility.  It will be interesting to find out how it is impacting Weyerhaeuser tomorrow when I head back to work.
In AWPPW’s heyday, there were 20,000 union members on the West Coast. That number has plummeted to just about 5,000. “Unions were always a minority, but at least they were a big minority. Now they are a small minority.”

The last time this site had a strike was in 1978, when they set up 100-car caravan to block mill entrances and put up a blockade that left 160 salaried workers stranded inside the mill. 

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