Sunday, July 12, 2015


Garage sale was a success!

Pretty frustrating to wake up to rain.  Had to go to plan B.  Books, scrapbook supplies, and board games on the porch.  Put anything that rain could hurt under the tables, or at least be ready to scoop the items under the tables.

We worked our butts off getting everything up from the basement and laid out, and it was a steady stream of customers all morning.  The afternoon brought more rain and price drops.

We had two tenants come.  We had dogs. We had parking nightmares, people are not willing to walk very far at all.  We had people thrilled to find things.  We had people wanting to talk prices way down.  We had an elderly foursome dressed for church in heels.  We had a grown man in pajamas counting the pieces in our board games.  

I enjoyed the people watching and camaraderie with our neighbors (we ended up with seven sales on our block), and the $400 is great too!

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