Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today the kids had no school; all four of us just made a quick trip to the building for student led conferences.

They are a bizarre waste of time and energy, but I am intrigued by how the kids define themselves and what they choose to share.

Our outlook and self perception play a huge role in how we view things. A financial magazine I was ready today was talking about a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. With a fixed mindset thee is a lot of ego, born talents, and disappointment when the world doesn’t agree that you should be on a pedestal. With the growth mindset there is constant learning and striving for improvement, more willingness to take risks, and resiliency.

Now just to instill the more hopeful and motivating mindset in myself and those around me… wish the kids spent their day off exploring, resting, or preparing instead of moaning "I’m bored" from in front of a screen.

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