Saturday, August 22, 2009


My Saturday started and ended with the garden.

This morning after my morning routine, I headed out to the back yard to pull up my pathetic beets, all my carrots, and a big patty pan squash. The beets were so small that I threw them away (I had bigger ones earlier in the season with more direct sun), and laughed at the farmers market when they were selling the small ones.

During the day we went on a hike (at Gnat Creek, that place needs a PR director to come up with a more inviting name!), stopped at a fruit stand for more Yakima fruit, and I worked on weekend chores.

At dusk I went back out to the garden and worked on controling the weeds and trying to figure out why my cantaloupe aren’t thriving. Then I came in to enjoy an orange cappuccino and FarmTown happenings.

“The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there.” ~George Bernard Shaw

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