Saturday, December 20, 2008


Hurray, hurray, crossed off two major to do's today. Finished writing Christmas cards and finished my Christmas shopping. Both much later than my normal timeline, but still done. Woo-hoo!

Since I have been working so much overtime, I decided not to do Christmas cards unless it was a family effort. Bruce helped me write the annual newsletter. The kids each wrote at least 12 cards themselves. Bruce addressed most of the envelopes. And the kids did most of the envelope stuffing and stamp/label affixing. With over 60 cards getting mailed each year, this may need to become a new tradition!

"Why do we send cards to these people we haven't seen in years?" - Xander


Marie said...

It's great to get the kids involved, especially since it's a family card. :)

nwscrapmom said...

60 cards is quite the project! I think I sent a whopping 25 or maybe 30... and that felt like a chore.

lynette said...

I love Xander's quote. So funny! We signed together too but I have to wonder why since we only received cards from businesses and then one actual card from a friend. So sad.