Sunday, September 15, 2024



We’ve been watching cruise ships come and go from the roofs of both Viktoria and Arrive, and today we embarked on the Majestic Princess for seven days to Alaska.

It’s a been a lot of people, a lot of getting our bearings, and a lot of waiting, but enjoying it so far and not feeling seasick.  Can feel the boat swaying for sure, but not seasick.

We found our muster station, listened to a presentation of tips from the assistant director, explored the ship, had lunch and dinner in informal settings, watched the Sail Away dance party (Bruce did line dancing), watched some of the Bears game in the freezing cold, saw a juggler comedian, a game show, and some beautiful ocean views.  We successfully got afternoon hot drinks delivered to our theater seats but were less successful getting a fruit plate and key lime pie delivered to our chaise lounges.

We’re signed up for Pilates first thing in the morning.

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