I'm not used to movies where the guy is wearing more make-up than the girl, but overall I give it a thumbs up. It couldn't develop the story as well as the book, and Edward was not as beautiful or as well dressed as the book portrayed him, but it was fun to see the Pacific Northwest on film (including Kalama high school) and discuss the book compared to the movie afterwards since we've all read "most" of book 1.
Going to the movies is not a normal holiday tradition, but it was a fun way to pass some of the "I can't wait" time for the kids.
"About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominate that part might be, that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." - Isabella Swan
I still need to see the movie. I have heard it's good, and I've heard it's horrible. I'll just have to go see for myself. :) Glad you liked it! That's a fun Christmas Eve thing to do.
Going to the movies sounds like fun... it just isn't something that I care to see. I bet it did help to keep their minds off the waiting.
I'm glad you got to see it. I had fun seeing our school but didn't care for the movie. Of course, I will still probably go see the next one when it comes out.
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