I'm trying to spend more time in the yard. After four years of almost total neglect, it is a daunting task, but we are slowly getting vegetation trimmed back. Today we made trips to Home Depot and Lowe's to scope out pots, plants, and material for a raised bed. I also spent time in the yard trimming back bushes and deadheading. I tried out the electric hedge trimmer our landscaper neighbor gave me when he saw me trimming with my small shearers. There was a scrub jay keeping me company, but as soon as I went inside to get my camera, he disappears. It's not very comfortable to garden with a camera around your neck!
Does anyone recognize these plants? I'm trying to identify them. The flowers look similar, but the leaves don't. The pink is a small bush, the white is trying hard to take over the entire yard.
Sorry, can't help you there.
Nope, sorry. No help here. I'm clueless when it comes to plants. Sounds like you're getting a lot of yard work done, though. Good for you!
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