New Years Eve, time to reflect on
this past year. As I brace myself on the icy sidewalks.
Brace was my word for 2021,
partially because I had an inkling that 2021 could be more difficult that
2020. What an understatement. What a dumpster fire of a year!
Reviewing my goals, I fell short on weight loss (again!) building a strong community (although our expanded small group has been a blessing) or find new routines coming out of pandemic (the pandemic ending was a pipedream) and Tanuia did not get early release. But I was able to read 60 books (a good variety with the summer bingo and various book clubs), I completed the Sesame Street 500 miles early, made improvements in wellness (focus on sleep, joined Peloton) and spent a lot of time supporting the family.
I felt like I was stuck in molasses
this year, that even easy things were hard, but I do feel like I made some
progress in being patient and ready for whatever came next. I’ve come through this year stronger in a lot
of ways, and that is a win.