Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year! Bruce and I got the kids settled to and from their youth events, then headed to the Country Club for some grown up time.

I gave myself the last day of 2011 as another lay around day to rest up and try to get well so I can start 2012 strong… anything that didn’t get done this year will have to wait awhile, and that’s OK.

Taking stock of the year, my focus word for 2011 has been:

re·fine (re-fine) verb

1. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing.
2. treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition
3. reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities

4. To free from coarse, unsuitable, or immoral characteristics

What went well:
More gains made in nutrition and exercise. Ran a 5K with friends and family.
Family mission trip was all I hoped for and more, as was our family Sabbath.
Huge strides in pruning my schedule, rearranging priorities to capture more peace with my world, and spending more time with God.

Where I fell down:
Health, which impacted energy levels to adventure seek. No climbing of Mt St Helens, no kayak, white water trip, or whale watching, and I still haven’t visited the darn Monarch Statue Garden!
Hobbies took a back seat as I rearranged priorities, although photo classes were plentiful and fulfilling.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Not feeling good again today, so not wanting to reach very far for a blog photo. A still life sounds perfect.

Here is one of my assignments for my fitness photo class:
"And lastly, take a photo of your shoes. Ideally, take a photo of your fitness shoes. At this stage, you should have at least one pair of walking/cross training/fitness/running shoes in preparation for moving more. Lay them out and take the most artistic shot you can think of."

I’ve decided to do the scrapbook from a couple standpoint, so here are our fitness shoes. Bruce likes everything black, so we shouldn’t be surprised that his workout shoes are black. They match his black workout wear. My super wide feet have made all footwear function over fashion.

I bet I could do more artistic if I felt better. But I kinds like this.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


We had a family outing to Portland today. Xander marched around Ikea getting decorating ideas for the rec room we are going to build in the basement. I stocked up on bread at Dave’s Killer Bread and Bob’s Red Mill. Anastasia sold a bunch of books to Powell’s. Bruce acted as driver, credit card man, and only one smart enough to carry an ID.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We have searched Seattle for foam art in our coffee.

Turns out we have a great coffee artist at our church café right here in Longview! Monette was at the Electric Bean today, so I asked for a face. My first one, it is so exciting!

She has made some amazing stuff this year. I guess some purists give her a hard time because she doesn’t do the art by pouring the milk, but I love it.

Coffee with Bruce was a nice break from our low-key gray dreary post-Christmas day.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We opened the remaining gifts under the tree tonight. The kids each got an ornament, Bruce got a load of potato chips, and I got a really really light new paddle for my paddle board. Yee-haw!

Also enjoying the gift of time, with two more vacation days stretching out after reentering the workforce today for a day.

Monday, December 26, 2011


December 26 after Christmas shopping is one of the highlights of the holiday season for me. My list and store count was less this year, but I invested in some needed storage solutions and also got inspired at Artco to get some craft projects cooking for next year. I’m already 12% done with my 2012 shopping!

And now it’s back to the daily grind. Allergy shots, meal planning, ironing, back to work tomorrow…

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas!

In the spirit of our Christmas card, here is another touching scene I saw on Christmas day after the first were opened and people scattered to enjoy them.

Sam LOVES his new Leapster, and Bruce has loved (and been glued to) his iPhone since day 1.

“Electronics is where the big toy companies need to be. It's get with the program or fall behind.” - Bob Goldsborough

Saturday, December 24, 2011


This seems to be the year of the slinky.

Xander got one on cookie baking day, and has been playing with it constantly. On Christmas Eve Santa brought all of the kids slinkies, and the chaos started again.

Here’s Stacy, now in second grade, enjoying hers. Goes to show that the old ads about a Slinky being “fun for a girl or a boy” are correct.

Rude but humorous quote:
“Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything; however, they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.” ~ Unknown

Friday, December 23, 2011


Not as much time in the schedule today for crafts, but partially finished another project. I don’t know if I am being too critical or I’ve lost my mojo, but not happy with these either. They seemed so cute before I started, but seem lame now. Oh well, feels good to be working on projects I’ve had in the “Christmas Projects” tote for years. And they fit perfectly in our fireplace built ins!

Anastasia was asking why Mary is always wearing blue. I googled it and got many different answers, but most centered around the color of the sky. I liked the explanation about blue being the color of waiting in the darkness, as she was waiting for the birth.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Sleeping in. Check. Staying inside all day. Check. Nap. Check. Staying away from sweets. Check. Christmas crafts. Check.

I made these Kissing Balls today, to reemerge as gifts next year… not as happy with them as I could be, but they are fun.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Both of the kids got haircuts today. Anastasia got her hair thinned out and layered. Having thin hair myself, I can’t imagine not wanting thick hair, but I guess the grass is always greener! And Xander made a drastic move from his long locks to a very short style. I think he looks completely different, I didn't recognize him this evening.

Happy holidays and happy hair-days!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Look what the UPS truck brought tonight! A Christmas present from my mom, from a paddleboard company, in a paddle shaped box!

If it were me accepting the package and it wasn’t for me, I would hurry up and wrap just the logo portion of the box in paper and put it under the tree. But not Bruce. He hates secrets, so he’ll take any excuse to wreck one. “Hey, something came for you and you’ll never guess what it is!”

I was wondering how much sunshine it would take to attempt a winter jaunt… anxious to get back on the board, anxious to catch up on sleep, and anxious to slow down for five days... right after tomorrow!

Monday, December 19, 2011


The thing about living with Bruce is that plans can change. I planned to take the kids to the mall and wrap gifts tonight, but we delivered food “baskets” to struggling families (the Scion was bursting!) and drove around looking at Christmas lights instead. Merry Happy!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Today was cookie baking day! I didn’t keep track of the varieties, or the count, and I didn’t get a photo of the table of finished cookies before we packed them away in tins.

But I did tease Grama about having chocolate all over her face!

We had a good family day, ending with great gifts, plenty of cookies, a long drive home, and worn out bakers and helpers.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hey, look, there’s the cute centerpiece at Electric Bean again! This is our home away from home. Anastasia got to help with children’s church while Bruce and I tried to sort out names and faces and Xander took advantage of the wifi looked up cartoons and jokes…

“We spent 3 hours at church! 4:15 to 7:15.” - Xander

Friday, December 16, 2011


Back at the Electric Bean, our new coffee hangout. Tonight was open mic night. We ended up there sans friends, but it was a nice way to catch up on the past few days and a nice place to land between taxi’ing Anastasia around.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Thursday started my annual two day meeting at the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver. We had a packed agenda, more food than anybody needs to consume, and hazelnut flavored coffee creamer!

Christmas cheer is in full swing – all kinds of fun Christmas goodies are popping up on my desk. Today Debbie presented me with a handmade hat that matches my coat – love it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This isn’t a very good photo, but it’s the only one I took today, so here it is.

Invited an old friend to coffee tonight. Didn’t realize until later that the coffee house was singing carols tonight. Between the coffee, the music, and the big crowd. the place was buzzing! The TV screens were projecting a warm fire, which was a really nice touch.

“I heard the bells on Christmas Day; their old familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the word repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men!” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I worked in Cosmopolis today. With our below freezing temps this week, my two hour drive was frosty going over and a gorgeous red sunset coming back.

I was celebrating Christmas and a 20 year service award with my teeny team. Our finance team in Cosi had 27 people 20 years ago, now it has 3. I forgot to take any photos of our “party”, but this display caught my eye. I am always intrigues by the miniature log trucks we have scattered about.

Here's to another 20 years at Weyerheauser... for Polly and for all of the rest of us, perhaps.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Bruce pointed out that Anastasia has been in the blog a lot lately, and not Xander. OK, so I was trying to make sure she was included, since she is gone so much for activities and her active social life.

Xander, on the other hand, is perfectly happy as a home body. Food, warmth, and endless electronic entertainment abound.

With how frigid it has been, I was thrilled to not have any plans tonight. I’m a home body who seems hell bent on filling up her calendar so she is never home.

“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” ~Jane Austen

Sunday, December 11, 2011


“Anastasia is the one in the fluffy hat” – Sarah Stewart, preschool aged friend

We had an eventful day, but ended with Anastasia's 8pm concert to help entertain the poor souls waiting over 3 hours to walk through the Journey to Bethlehem.

I was expecting to use a photo of Bruce helping with Christmas cards for the blog, but this photo was pretty fun.

When all the dust settled, we had two written cards witht heir envelopes missing and one extra filled out envelope with the card missing. I wonder if anyone will get a card that doesn’t belong to them, or two cards… life is an adventure!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Some adventures turn out better than others. Today was an adventure I picked - the Dickens Christmas historic home tour in historic Centralia. Sounded like fun, but was a bit of a bust.

The kids did find some fun things (Anastasia tried to take a self portrait in every single mirror and Xander sat in his dream man-cave), but it was crowded, the no photography policy was frustrating, and the houses weren’t very decorated for the holidays. It was well organized, the trolley transport was great, and it was fun to snoop and walk through the houses, but not quite what I was expecting.

But, some family time, some Christmas cheer, and a break from the normal routine.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Took a half day vacation today to work on Christmas prep, but got very little of that done. Chased tenants, enjoyed leisurely lunch and coffee with Bruce, and ran errands instead. Did remember that I forgot to order a few gifts, so got on right quick. And, Fischer family manned the concession stand tonight for the girls’ varsity basketball game. Bruce is in charge of scheduling volunteers, which puts him there a lot, but tonight was my first time. I can think of worse ways to spend an evening.

Happy weekend!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


A timber company needs a live tree in their reception area. So a live tree went up today, decked out in LED lights, candy canes, and red. Lovely…

Disappointed that the Cooking in the Dark seminar I registered for tonight didn’t materialize. Since the 72 hour kit I assembled in April already has expiring packaged food, I was looking forward to some better ideas. Darn…

Thankful for a warm house, a weekend approaching, feeling mostly healthy, and so many other things…

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Skipped the half price cranberry bliss bars at Starbucks today, but went to coffee at ladies night at Electric Bean. Midweek sugar rush.

I’ve been avoiding the Civic Circle since they screwed it up so bad, but I decided to go that way tonight, and I do enjoy the Christmas decorations. It feels like driving through Zoolights.

“Tis the season to sip coffee and enjoy the lights. Check.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I read Phil’s blog entry about minimalist Christmas decorations.

I would not call us over the top by any means, but we do have plenty of Christmas decorations. Last year I got this grouping of angels on the day after Christmas for a great deal. Not having any space downstairs, they are adorning our bedroom with Christmas cheer.

To Phil’s point, are all the decorations and fussing keeping our focus from preparing our hearts and minds for the birth of Jesus? Probably. This year will be a bit odd, focusing on family time instead of church traditions.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Ho, ho, ho, Santa’s workshop is a wreck! Cards half written, awaiting newsletter to stuff. Missing addresses to gather to finish that task. Gifts wrapped but not “prettified”. Many more to wrap, only 2 complete enough to be under the tree. Needed allergy meds almost buried.

At the allergy clinic the shot nurses were discussing waiting to shop until the last minute, adding undue stress. I can’t imagine putting off all the wrapping to the end. I like to do a little bit at a time. And the local Christmas radio station is a nice touch to drown out the kids TV and video games noise.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Master landlord changed out 8 locks today. We also did a Wal-mart run to stock up on the essentials – shower curtains, toilet paper holders, cutting boards. Hopefully we’ll have a new tenant soon.

Pretty quiet day. Collected some leaves for the garden, wrote some Christmas cards, wrapped some gifts, watched a movie… Think I’m ready for the hectic pace of another Monday right around the corner.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Today was an Anastasia day.

It started with her and I getting up early (for a Saturday) and helping out at the Weyerhaeuser Christmas party. It was a carnival theme and we were keepers of the bean bag toss. Stamp their card, toss the bean bags, pick a prize… so many entertaining kiddos.

And our evening plans centered around Anastasia marching in the Christmas parade. We had to engineer a parking spot that would give us access to the parade and church right after, since the parade route cuts through the center of town. Anastasia ended up carrying the band sign. It was very cold and crowded, so we walked the route in search of Anastasia then headed indoors.

Thinking tomorrow will be a sit on the couch day…

Friday, December 2, 2011


We were actually all together tonight, for dinner, trimming the tree, and Open Mic Night at the Electric Bean.

It’s fun to remember the ornaments as we unpack them and decide whether they go on the front or back of the tree. Conversation drifted to Maine (we have a tradition of getting ornaments when we travel) and ended with us flipping through our honeymoon album with Xander.

“The perfect Christmas tree? All Christmas trees are perfect!” - Charles N. Barnard

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Happy December!

Our tree has been up for over a week now, but still no ornaments. The Fisher’s haven’t been home together long enough to do it, even if anyone was particularly motivated.

We (mostly Bruce) were dealing with landlord “stuff” today. I’m so thankful of all the peace, hope, joy, and stability in our lives. We are blessed.