Monday, October 31, 2011


Notes to self: Next year, order way more rubber ducks. Not sure how I only ended up with 80 this year, turned out the lights before 7:30! And, try to find a costume that doesn’t involve a wig. After all day and evening, I was more than ready to get our of my Siren costume.

Note to neighbors: My kids are out there with friends. They are the annoying older kids with lame costumes and a big pack of friends. Almost as annoying as the parents packing around a baby & expecting candy. Go easy, we all have to grow up too fast.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


More extended family time, stock up on fruits and veggies at the produce stand, normal Sunday chores, baking hazelnut cranberry bread, quick paddle board trip, short rest, and evening church sums up my day. I could use more hours, but that is more than I expected.

We sure go through a lot more dishes with 8 people instead of 4! Lots of mugs of hot water, soup bowls at every meal, and too many loads of dishes for Anastasia to keep up with. We played a few rounds of Sequence when Xander wasn’t successful in roping more of us into playing/learning chess.


Here we are, four generations at the Rutherglen Mansion for Murder at the Mansion. We haven’t been able to see G&G in ages, and it’s been much longer than that that they’ve been down to Longview, so it was fun to have everyone come back to town for dinner theater at Mom & Jerry’s favorite local B&B.

Since I knew more about murder mysteries this time around, it was fun to try harder to piece together the mystery, but I still got it wrong since the character I questioned led me astray. Fun evening.

Friday, October 28, 2011


My first visit to a few operations in Oregon, since I concentrate on Washington. I loved the sign on a mirror at the Griggs office. Safety is such a huge focus for us at Weyerhaeuser, and this is a great reminder message. The background stuff is fun too- the signature cream building with green trim, scattered outbuildings, white supervisor pick-up trucks, a crew bus… Willamette Valley sunshine!!! This office came complete with office dog and “home cooked” lunch. TGIF!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


A long day with a big inviting bed at the end of it.

Woke up before the alarm, left the house before 6am. Destination: Aberdeen. Wait, wait, wait, rush out the door. Destination: Eugene Oregon. We shaved 30 minutes off the estimated travel time, but still not enough time to stop for lunch. Less waiting and less rushing once we arrived safely.

An exercise in patience and dealing with the consequences of poor planning.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Not my most interesting blog shot, but it’s getting late and I need to go to bed.

I head out tomorrow morning at 6am for a whirlwind trip through Washington and Oregon performing training sessions.

Briefcase, In Focus projector, bigger purse with water and snacks, and a small overnight bag. Check. I think I’m as ready as I can be. Now just to see how it plays out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Guess who got her permit today? She even got to drive around a parking lot. I don't have a photo for the blog, because I'm keeping my distance...

Shopping for Halloween dresses is more my speed. That's where we headed after swim practice, where the girls worked together to stretch out a swim cap to an incredible size...

Monday, October 24, 2011


Not sure when our dining room table became computer central. Bruce moved his computer out in the front room to change out the hard drive. Jerry and Anastasia have matching portable netbooks.

“Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living.” ~Nicholas Negroponte

Sunday, October 23, 2011


“Pray about going home. Be ready for the chaos and expect to step back into your role.” – Andrea, speaker

There is something about Sunday, even in the early morning, where the energy level shifts and we all start thinking about home and our afternoon re-entry back into every day life.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Retreats carve out environments for growth. A lot has happened in this past year, and things are still in transition. The journey to be more like Christ will continue until I doe, but this weekend I put a spotlight on a few specific areas I want to work on, to accelerate my growth.

I also like to carve out time to move my bones a bit. We joined the hike during free time. There were a lot of camera clicks during the hike, and this isn’t the best shot, but I really like how it captures the fall colors and our togetherness.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Some weekends are appreciated so much more than others. I slipped out a few hours early, after a grueling week, to head to Cascades Camp to attend a women’s retreat. The topic this weekend? The virtues of Christ and participating with God in the process of renovating our soul. Our gift in our rooms area great tangible reminder of the virtues and the goal.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Football, football, football. On the screen, on the field, on the shirt. Xander is counting down how many hours of real football he has left – one practice and one game. He had a team dinner tonight (five pieces of pizza, but no crust) and got his team T-shirt tonight. Even once the season is over, I’m sure there will be plenty of pick-up and X-box games.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Followed a log truck from PeEll to I-5 today. Another uneventful travel day, bringing us closer to our weekend travel to Yelm for a much needed retreat. It struck me how green the drive was today, since the foliage is so golden around our house.

I really wanted to stop and photograph some young cows munching grass near the road with thick fog in the background. My camera won’t seem to blur the background, but God did it for me. But I was too chicken to stop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Xander had photos at school today, and he still has remnants of his black eye.
We had our monthly property owners meeting tonight, and had some lively discussions.
One early morning down, and two more to go.
Another gorgeous weather day, and I still can’t break away from work.

Monday, October 17, 2011


A day after a photography class is an interesting time to go watch Anastasia’s swim practice. Both Mom and I were taking lots of photos, comparing ideas on how to capture the action, and probably creating a big distraction. (note: Anastasia is far left.)

Gorgeous fall day, wish I had more time to enjoy it outside, but can’t get everything with a Monday…

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Mom and I did a photo safari in downtown Portland today. We got a lot of instruction and had assignments to photograph patterns & repetition, sculptures, and work on portraits in various locations.

This may not be my technically best photo, but I like how the camera is in perfect focus, framed by both the captured fountain water and Mom adjusting to try to capture her vision for our last White Balance assignment.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Another day with only evening plans, so the day stretching out with opportunities… And I chose to be a slug. I seem to be chilled to the bones & don’t want to be outside, even though it was decent weather for paddle boarding and gardening. So we chatted, did a little shopping, watched a movie and read instead until it was time to go to Worship Cafe.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Happiness is waking up and realizing that you can snuggle back into the covers and no alarm will disturb you soon.

The only plans I had for my day off was the RA Long Homecoming game. I wish games were a bit shorter and warmer, but it was a fun day and fun evening.

Bruce, Grandma Vicki and I were all taking photos of Anastasia, poor girl!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Mom (AKA Grandma Vicki) arrived today!

She’s getting a glimpse of our daily routine… kids busy off elsewhere, football game, pick up Anastasia at the pool, kids bickering over the TV, kids sharing about their day (freshmen wore gray today), Anastasia making more plans to be off elsewhere…

“Do you know why grandchildren are always so full of energy? They suck it out of their grandparents.” ~Gene Perret

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Pumpkin crisp and TV remote, what more could a man want?!?

Tonight I made Bruce’s birthday pumpkin crisp.

I misplaced my original recipe that was so darn yummy. Last year I made a recipe with cream cheese, which is not a good idea when Bruce eats most of the pan in one evening. This year I tried a simpler recipe, and I thought it was pretty yummy, but the guys think I should keep searching.

Love the smell of sweets baking in the oven. Fall food makes saying good-bye to decent weather just a little bit easier.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Happy birthday, Señor!

We had a late dinner at Azteca after Anastasia’s swim meet, complete with happy birthday fanfare.

You’re not just getting older, you’re getting more emotionally stable. “As people age, they’re more emotionally balanced… They care more and are more compassionate about problems, and that may lead to a more stable world.” - Carstensen, a psychology professor and director of the Stanford Center on Longevity.

So put your fedora back on, and solve the wealth inequality issue so capitalism can work again…

Monday, October 10, 2011


Happiness is having no tenants owing us money… and it’s only the tenth!
Happiness is giving in to drinking cocoa at work… two cups, even.
Happiness is being back to once a month on allergy shots… so close, yet so far,

And happiness is curling up with a book after a long hard day. Last quarter I finished 16 books. I enjoyed several – book club reads, finishing my Jane Kirkpatrick books on hand, a movie tie in with Sarah Cain. The Beach House by Jane Green my have been my favorite. Lee Iacoca’s book was interesting, because 3 years after it’s publish date, it’s still the same political issues we’re facing.

Happy reading!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I’m not the kind of person to change decorations with each season or holiday.

We do Christmas, of course, with average gusto. And since Halloween and 4th of July are big holidays in our neighborhood, I try to have at least some decorating enthusiasm.

So away with the willow tree angels, and out with the fall stuff. Ta-da!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Nice weekend day.
Slept in.
Went to Humane Society with Xander. Played with Jet for third week in a row. He was a pain, don’t think we’re attached.
Finally back out on the paddleboard, and I got it to the lake and back all by myself, first time! Sunny but windy.
Several hours of work to try to make next week less painful.
Saturday night church service at Worship Café.
And watched the vintage Footloose with the kids. Xander’s school dances have been cancelled; he’s working on a petition.
Yep, nice weekend day.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Started the day with my flu shot and health screening at work, ended it with craft and chat evening at church.

My eyes lit up when I saw that I was going to get a sticker. And I saw other managers wearing their stickers today too. Silly little things that bring smiles.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today was another football game. The team is pretty excited; they won in the big stadium. Xander thought he should get to eat dinner out for it.

I wasn’t very excited with the parking situation, and was even less excited when I got boxed in and we decided to leave the car and walk home. In my high heel boots.

Oh well. I was cold and had sore feet, but didn’t get rained on, and got some fresh air.

Xander is #80, right in front of the coach in navy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


“Why do we have 3 sour creams?” – Xander

Because it is easier to buy one each week than to check supplies first. My fault.

OK, I can’t resist doing a before and after. Here’s our spacious new fridge. I have a tilt bin for my half eaten fruit! The guys love the milk on the door.

The kitchen remodel is now officially complete. Except for cleaning up to take the official “after” photos. That might take awhile…

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


We get our new fridge tomorrow! It’s not all that different due to our space and budget constraints, but it’s still exciting.

In preparation, I made a pile of things that go to work for lunch tomorrow, and everything else that fit went in a bin to make the swap with the delivery man go easier. Sad that the big bin is mostly condiments, but encouraged that meat occupies the smallest bin. Tomorrow after work I’ll load up on fruit at the fruit stand to add to the pile and get Xander and I through another week.

Purged a few very old condiments too… when you come over for dinner, no more choice of 500 salad dressing flavors!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Look who:
- Won tenth place for relay at the swim meet Saturday.
- Does enough Facebook updates to give me a reason to keep my phone charged.
- Has fundraised $150 of the $1100 needed to go to Disney with her band.
- Is going to youth group two nights in a row.

Yay Anastasia! Or Stasia, as the rest of the world seems to be calling her...

Sunday, October 2, 2011


How do you photograph rest and relaxation?

Since we went to church last night, this morning was very lazy. Like breakfast in bed lazy.

Spent the afternoon on my to do list, including planting clover as a cover crop to improve the clay soil. Bruce wants to grass the alley patch. I want to try it as a garden spot one more year. We can plant bulbs and grass if we have a third year with only unwanted vegetation making its home there.

Refreshed and ready to face another long week…

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Sleep in, swim meet, Humane Society, Saturday night service. That’s my day in a nutshell.

Got some fun photos at the Humane Society of our time with Jet (again), a “puppy” who hated the leash and did acrobats to try to get away from it, and “sausage dog”.

It was harder to take photos at the swim meet, since the spectator area is glassed off, but made for more pleasant temperatures. Here’s Anastasia posing for me as she cheers on a teammate at the end of the lane. She did very well on her 100 yard event.

Happy October!