Sunday, July 31, 2011


We listened to a lot of Jeff Foxworthy on the way to and from California. So, you know you’re a redneck when… you go to the demolition derby. Or when your house looks like a tornado hit it, which is still our current state of unpacking and mounds of clean laundry.

But I’m feeling ready for work again tomorrow, and that’s a good thing. Not looking forward to the alarm clock, but two weeks was a great break.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Point the car toward home and drive like the wind.

Besides meals and fuel, our only stop today was at the Lake Shasta Caverns, a stop I often want to make but doesn’t work into the timetable. Discovered in 1878, opened to the public in 1964, we enjoyed spelunking the stalactities and stalagmites.

It was a 12 hour driving day, home by 8pm. I drove from northern California home with the kids taking turns riding shotgun. Looking forward to sleeping on our own beds, and having a full day to decompress tomorrow. Thankful for a safe and healthy trip!


Drat, I may be done with roller coasters forever. This is the second time I got so nauseous after only a few thrill rides that I had to sit out the rest of the day. I got to ride 4 of the 11 Fischer attractions at Magic Mountain before 3pm, when we headed for Sacramento. After the first few hours I got to guard the refillable drink container and people watch as we trekked from ride to ride in the heat. I’ll have to calculate the cost per ride and cost per hour later for the scrapbook (since we upgraded to the Flash Pass), but too depressing for today. As is packing up, saying good-bye, and driving off the peninsula. But boy the hotel room was sure noticeably quiet!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


No problem getting my exercise minutes in today. Started the day with a 30 minute jog on the Long Beach beach bike trail. Then four of us did early bird paddle boarding - an hour paddling around Naples.

After lunch we rented beach cruisers and rode to Shoreline Village for a snack. None of us liked our bikes much, but agreed it was a fun adventure for a few hours. Bruce and Anastasia let the waves spit them out for a bit, then after dinner we walked the Santa Ana flood control trail with Christy and Mysty.

Another fun active day in California...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today was another relaxing and restful day on the peninsula.

We all (well, not Grandpa Jerry) went stand up paddle boarding today. I took my camera. The instructor thought I was confident I wouldn't fall in. Bruce thought I wanted a new camera when I fell in. I just really wanted some photos of the experience. It was a challenge to stop rowing, get the camera out of my pocket, get the camera on, take my photos, stow the camera again, and start rowing again without the wind sending me into something, but I got my photos. Anastasia was really good at it, Xander finally warmed up to it, and Bruce decided he hated it.

The guys went to the driving range, I got more of my book read, we had a great Thai dinner, and after dinner we explored a WWII Rosey the Riveter park and watched an episode of Nightmare Kitchen in preparation for tomorrow's adventure.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today was more of a mom day than a family day. Bruce took the kids to Knotts Berry Farm. We normally meet them at the park for evening admission, but this year they were done early.

So mom and I...
... did yoga on the dock with Victoria. Pure bliss!
... went stand up paddle boarding to have extra practice for tomorrow. Very peaceful, and easier than it looks.
... enjoyed a healthy lunch. (And the last two pieces of apple pie, shhh!)
... took short naps. If only the peninsula wasn't so stinkin' loud, crazy cockatoo included!

Ahh, love vacation!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Today was a different kind of relaxing.

Bruce took the kids to see the Harry Potter movie, giving me some time to work on my Harambee workbook and look for my missing watch. Then we went to a mall - Anastasia was on a quest for a new swimsuit, Xander thought he wanted shoes and sunglasses (but later decided a higher bank balance was more important), and I needed a new watch.

After dinner we went to Bolsa Chica for a two mile wildlife walk. We saw rabbit, terns, egret, pelicans hunting, and lots of stringray.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Today was our first beach day. We were blessed enough to have TK and her family join us. She was my very best friend in high school, and we haven't connected in years. Her maiden name was Theeraya Komjakraphan, so everyone called (and still calls her) TK.

Looks like we picked up some sun. I was thrilled to sit in a beach chair most of the day.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Bruce went a little crazy at the Soda Pop Shop. Interesting place; they have over 500 varieties of soda and the candy from days of old. The kids and I chose 3 flavors each, and Bruce chose... 23 bottles! They have all the specialty sodas we are used to seeing in the PNW, plus chocolate flavored tea, something called Eat Your Salad, Almond flavored creme soda, cucumber soda, and the list goes on and on.

This little outing was sandwiched between departing Harambee (the summer interns gave us a great send off, and squealed when they saw all the food we were leaving them) and getting settled on the peninsula (unloading again, laundry, showers, and walks). And so starts phase two of our vacation.

Friday, July 22, 2011


So does shoveling playground bark into wheelbarrows count as exercise? I did laps around the complex again just in case. We got creative transporting the material from the pile to the playground - used the teens skate boards to push the garbage cans. I'm not a very good cowgirl - couldn't get my bandana to stay over my mouth and nose to keep the dust at bay.

Did our final grocery trip today. Still have not come to grips with how much food 30 people consume, but it is getting less expensive as we try to use up our supplies. Sure don't care to paint any more white picket fences! Our final time with the kids was a bit disorganized today, so I got to observe Bruce and the kids doing recreation with the big parachute for a few minutes. We're all going to miss those kids! Well, except maybe the one who makes off with our hats, glasses, and is always where he doesn't belong! :)

I reached the max of my memory card today. Looking forward to organizing my journaling and photos when I get back to Longview.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I ran the three mile track around the Rose Bowl tonight! No troubles getting my exercise today - accidentally got up at 4:30am!

We had a great day at Vacation Bible School today. Bruce,t he kids, and Grandpa Jerry are helping with recreation, Grandma Vicki is helping with snacks, and I'm helping with crafts. Today we had the kids decorate a photo frame, and added photos of them we took earlier in the week. They loved the decorating and the photos. This is Spencer.

We all feel the fact that our mission experience is winding down, now that we have passed the halfway point. With overcast weather this morning, we hit our projects hard today. Just one more day to get as much wrapped up as we can...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"I found a head!" - Things you don't really want to hear on a mission trip. Luckily it was a mannequin head in the brush, not a corpse.

After two and a half days, I finally got a shower. Sharing a restroom with 15 other gals may be one of my biggest frustrations.

So many things I could write about, but I like to keep my entries short.

This is Anastasia loving on one of the Harambee summer students, Julius. The kids here are just as entertaining and rambunctious as at home, but have a different perspective on life:
They draw tattoos on their craft projects.
They are dismayed about destroying sponges and socks, useful items they need at home.
They are so excited to get name tags.
They are incredibly hungry, and drink the water needed to mix up plaster of paris.
They call a cross the "church thing."

Another good day...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The extended Fischer family was on dinner duty tonight. I still cannot believe the quantities that 30 people need! It's humbling to find out the interns we're working with are eating only rice and beans this week, and are donating the saved money to Harambee.

I also did another three cart grocery shopping trip (this one in 10 minutes with the list split 3 ways), spent the morning trimming srubs and pulling weeds, and helped VBS kids make soctopus'. Mom & Jerry mostly worked on the same projects I am, Xander carted waste around in a wheelbarrow (photo with Jacob), Anastasia gardened in the prayer garden, and Bruce cut lumber to replace the playground parimeter.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Darn it, hardly and of us slept much last ngiht. Now we're REALLY exhausted.
So far at Harambee I've:
bleached a fridge
cut up lots of fruit salad
knocked cobwebs off a fence
tore out oodles of morning glory
Helped kids with making sea anomones out of sponges

All things I am equipped to do. Praise God. We got overheated today, but are all doing well. This photo is Bruce and Anastasia helping to lead our silly music time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


We've arrived! Another long driving day- detours, smelly fields, geocaching side trips, lunch at In N Out. We had mostly smooth sailing, and 405 re-opened before we got in the proximity.

The facility has a few challenges, but overall we are happy with the accomodations and have all jumped in to help get unpacked, settled, and dinner on the table.

We may all sleep great tonight, from sheer exhaustion...

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Day 1: Longview to Sacramento

I did most of the driving, freeing Bruce up for his gadgets
Leap frogged with church vans, met up with them for two meals and a rest area stop
Saw powdered soap in soap dispenser for the first time in ages
Border fruit inspection station open, but I got to keep all mine
Oodles of CHP on the road, but stayed out of trouble
A lot of LA freeway closure signs

A bit travel weary, but anticipating tomorrow...

Xander with church van in background...

Friday, July 15, 2011


When I took a photo, the neighbors assumed we bought a new car.

Nope, a rental. We had a minivan reserved, then decided to save money with a full sized car instead. When Bruce went to pick it up today, they only had a standard, so gave us a discount. He decided it didn’t have enough room for the kids in the back seat (four days of driving!), so he took it back, and we got upgraded to a Chevy Traverse. It will cost more in gas, but it has three rows of seats, so score!

“Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf.” ~Lewis Mumford

Thursday, July 14, 2011


On the agenda for tonight: pedicure, haircut, approve Anastasia’s outfits for the trip, and my weekly market research in the "for rent" sections of Craigslist and The Daily News.

I got a little nervous when the power went out at work today, but things are wrapping up nicely. Salami sandwiches for dinner to clear out the fridge. Guess I need to specify vegetarian.

Our theme color for the mission trip is green, so splurged on green nail polish. It looks better in the bottle than on my nails, but I have that problem a lot. Tomorrow night I’ll add decals to my toes and paint my fingers. And sleep in my bed for the last time in many moons.

"I'll turn things around for you… You can count on it.” – Jeremiah 29:14 from The Message

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ah, the joys of landlording. Tonight was my first peek into the fourth vacancy we’ve had this summer. We’re trying a different approach with this one, time will tell if it pays off.

Today at work I listened to a webinar about managing your internet life consistent with an employer or prospective employers expectations. So I shouldn’t rant about deadbeat tenants, incompetent utility companies, or my political views.

End result, my team was googling ourselves this afternoon to see what is readily available. My blog entries and Bruce’s newspaper mentions consistently come up. My age is plastered all over the place. Evidently Michelle Fischer is a famous singer. It was enlightening to see what is available to my non friends on Facebook.

Maybe I should “Like” all the cleaning products that help get these rentals clean…

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Lately the topic of our weekly coffee dates has been rental issues. Tonight we decided to check out the new coffeehouse in town, and talk about our California trip plans.

We wrote Knott’s Berry Farm on Tuesday of week two and called it good. We’ll be “winging it” this trip.

Started packing tonight.

The coffee gets a thumbs up. Liking the maple flavoring as a new twist.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Not the best photo, but the only one I have for today, so I’m going with it.

Tonight started a four week series on finding spiritual vitality in the land of plenty at church. With a potluck with plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and even a veggie burger. Life is good, if I just ignore that ever growing to do list at work and at home.

One discussion topic was that in the 1970’s, people invited others over an average of 15 times a year. Now the average is half that. We cocoon in our homes with our TV and technology instead of seeking out community. And yet, Starbucks, one of my favorite places, is selling community more than commodity.

Even introverts have been empowered by God to open their lives up to other people. This resonates as I mentally and physically prepare to embark on a week of more relationship and less privacy than I have maybe ever encountered.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Here’s our outdoor church service at camp this morning. Can you find Xander, me and Anastasia?

Pastor Phil preached about the importance of rest and not disregarding Sabbath observance. But, but, but… I have so much to do!

Home again. I left some things in my suitcase, because it is time to pack for the next adventure.


Our new camp location offered a lot of activities. The kids were clamoring at the pool when it opened and it was fun for the adults to lounge poolside. After lunch was the slip n slide down the hillside- pay a dollar to get the worst rug burn of your life when you can’t stop a the bottom! Afternoon wiffle ball game, dinner potluck, and s’mores. There were giant marshmallows this year…

I have better photos of the day, but I liked this one. Anastasia and Xander were so good about playing with the little kids in the pool. In this photo they have a train of a few tots, with Anastasia at the front and Xander at the end.


Here’s our home away from home for our church family camping trip. Fully stocked kitchen, private bedroom, bathtub… way more than we needed for our Pop Tart’s style camping.

Work Friday, last minute scramble to get packed up, dinner at Taco Del Mar, then to Thousand Trails park in Chehalis.

Not sure the timing of unplugging for a weekend was the best, but it was a nice chance for R&R, fellowship, and soaking up the sunshine.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


End of another quarter, time to take stock in books read lately. Not very many, life has been crazy.

Biggest disappointment: Mystic Sweet Communion, my least favorite Jane Kirkpatrick book
Most likely to recommend: Sarah’s Key
Most intriguing: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, with Patterson's Beach House close behind

Curling up on the bed with a book sounds like such a fun indulgence now…

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Ah, if only life was as serene as the lake tonight. Hard to believe that a few days ago this area was packed with holiday revelers.

At work there are just a handful of days to wrap up tasks before vacation, and they seem to be piling up faster than I can cross them off.

At home we are in the midst of crazy tenant drama. Again. Still?

Not to mention the long to do list to get ready for family camp and the mission trip. The solo jaunt around the lake was a good chance to clear my head and decide on the top priorities for the rest of the evening.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This image reminded my of the lazy summer days of summer of my youth. I loved to find a shady spot in the yard and read a good book, or hang out in the pool, and she did both today. Except she has a computer with movies and contact with friends instead of a novel.

I read in Industry week that Facebook has over 500 million active users, each of whom has an average of 130 friends, is connected to 80 community pages, groups, and events, and creates 90 pieces of content each month.

How we stack up:
Bruce- 337 friends
Michele- 126 friends. I’m average! But only 12 content items created in the past week…
Anastasia- 347 friends, and tons of content created!
Xander- 542 friends, most added in the past two days as he tried to reach 700 friends
Happy summer relaxing, with or without the technology!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Before the parade, lake booths, time relaxing at home, and fireworks today, there was a ragtag group of us that were trying hard to run an entire 5K. Jeremiah, Kaylina, Diana, and I carpooled to the run in Kelso and we all made our goal! So no guilt at all about enjoying a salmon dinner platter and some kettle korn.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Instead of 4th of July shirts, we have Harambee shirts this year. In two weeks we start our mission week in Pasadena, and today the church commissioned us to go forth, serve, and bring back the learnings.

Harambee means “Let’s get together and push” in Swahili. Let’s go!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


On the rental front, all of our units are now rented, and we are *almost* done with the final punch list. Yay, July is better already!

On the Go Fourth Festival front, we are truly blessed to live so close to the lake, because the lake is the place to be. We watched the Cardboard Regatta boat races. The theme this year was squirrels to capitalize on our town mascot, and this was my favorite entry.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Another church photo. But a different church, a different vibe, a different purpose. Friends Mary Ann and Brad married and merged families tonight. It's been a rocky road they have travelled, which in some ways has mirrored or even pointed out some of our church struggles. It was heartwarming to see them address the issues head on, but with a lot of grace. Its fun to see such exuberant love, and to be reminded to bring our best to our important relationships.