Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Call me a bad mom, but I don't go in the kids rooms very often. Tonight I took suitcases and packing lists into their rooms to help them get ready for our vacation, and saw an impressive fortress of sheets and blankets in each room. I had heard about Xander's, but had not seen either. There's something about time stretching out in summer that makes rearranging bedrooms and getting more imaginative possible.

To tag on yesterdays theme, tonight Anastasia is spending the night at a friends house. :)

What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade. ~Gertrude Jekyll

Monday, June 29, 2009


Feels like our house is a revolving door of having friends over.

Xander has a huge list of buddies, and he's always asking if one of them can come over. Anastasia doesn't have friends over as often, but it's often enough. When I was growing up, sleep overs were a BIG deal and didn't happen very often. Now Xander feels robbed if more than a week goes by without having a friend over for an extended visit, and summer seems to bring a flurry of friends.

Last night Jacob spent the night, and tonight Loryn is spending the night. Here they are playing on the brand new trampoline mat. We're still debating whether it was an animal or people who slashed it...

"So will Tuesday work for Landon to sleep over?" - Xander

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Two events took up my day today.

First, we had the VBS finale at church. Pastor John gave a short message, then the kids took turns reciting their cheers and singing songs. When Xander is on stage he loves to hide behind other kids so we can't see him, but in the beginning of the program his spot to stand was right aligned with our pew, so we got to see him for a change. After service we had a picnic on the church lawn and Pastor John ate a few bugs to reward the kids for raising money for our local mission.

Second, the kdis and I drove up to southcenter to meet G&G for dinner at Bahama Breeze. Whenever I drive past that restaurant, I ask myself "wonder what that restaurant is like?". Now when I go by I can think "mmmm, we should go to Bahama Breeze again soon!" We all really liked it.

And that is a full day!

"Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them." ~John Shirley

Saturday, June 27, 2009


This is Nipps, our local burger joint. A lot of people like it. Another customer tonight was asking why they don't franchise it.

I don't get it. Tonight was the second time I've been there, and I just don't get it. It's not very often that I throw away a milkshake without finishing it. I guess it can remain a place for Bruce to go without me.

“In terms of fast food and deep understanding of the culture of fast food, I'm your man.” - Bill Gates, who apparently loves burgers and dines at McDonalds

Friday, June 26, 2009


End of a quarter, time to document the books I've had my nosed buried in. I finished two books just tonight, so today seems fitting even though it is a few days early. I read or listened to 13 books these past three months, bringing my 2009 total to 30. Not that it is a race, since I buy them faster than I can read them!

Highlights of this quarter:
- The last Twilight series book (although I still plan to read the on-line manuscript)
- Two great historical fiction romance audio books, the Sunflower and Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
- Compelling reasons to change our diet in China Study.
- Two fun reading group picks- Art of Racing in the Rain and A Rather Lovely Inheritance
- A reminder to read sequels while you still remember the characters and plotlines with Sliver of Truth!

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.~ Chinese proverb

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Fruit salad anyone?

When I first started eating fruit for breakfast, I just sliced up an apple and a pear and called it good. Now that so much fruit is available, I've been making more and more elaborate fruit salads in the morning.

Today's salad consisted of half a banana, half an apple, half a nectarine, a handful of cherries, and a few scoops of my cantaloupe, strawberries, and kiwi mixture. Yum!

I also have a watermelon and a mango to slice up. By the time I get done chopping the fruits and veggies, it is grocery day again!

“Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana”
Groucho Marx

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Bruce and I have been marveling a the fact that both of our kids are on staff at VBS this year. Xander was in kindergarten when we moved to Longview.

Today was the first day of Vacation Bible School. Xander is in his last official year, where his age groups acts as snack preparers and helpers to the lower ages. Today he built fishing pole snacks: a fat straight pretzel with licorice shoelaces tied to the "pole" and to a gummy worm, set on a plate with fishy crackers "swimming" nearby. Anastasia chose to help in the toddler room this year. She hugged on the little kids and chatted about boy crushes with her friends.

After that three hours, they headed to Week of Worship, the youth group afternoon mission project of painting, landscaping, and fixing up a nearby home. The kids are pretty tuckered out tonight.

“Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.” - Euripides

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Bruce and I did another neighborhood walk this evening, on our way to the grocery store. We drove to one of the outer corners and walked around a neat neighborhood. I liked the yard with the grass torn out to make room for a healthy looking garden.

But to commemorate the holiday sneaking up on us at lightening speed, here is a whimsical windsock from a house with very patriotic decorations.

“I am always drawn back to places where I have lived, the houses and their neighborhoods.” - Truman Capote

Monday, June 22, 2009


I insist on doing my own taxes. I truly feel that a CPA should be able to do her own taxes, even if she doesn't have any tax experience. How hard can it be?

Well, I guess those days are over. Because this is the second year the IRS has sent us a "you screwed up" letter. Both times we are getting more money back, and that is a blessing, but that' s not the point.

Bruce thinks he deserves a bigger Father's Day gift now that my "it's not in the budget" is out the window.

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." - Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Fathers Day!

I felt better today, so we decided not to hike and to spend a day in downtown Portland instead. We had lunch at an authentic NY deli, walked through the Portland Saturday market, experienced VooDoo donuts, went to Comedy Sportz improv, spent some time at Powell’s books, had dinner at BJ’s, and sat on I-5 forever thanks to a guy threatening to jump off the bridge.

Hugs to all those dads out there!

“I'm no theologian. I don't know who or what God is. All I know is he's more powerful than Mom and Dad put together.” - Yeardley Smith

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Darn it, my turn to be sick.

But I did get to the auditorium to save third row seats and watch Anastasia’s second performance. Grandma and Grandpa came from up north, and Bruce and Xander made it at intermission from their youth event in Newport.

She had three dances this year, two ballet songs and one jazz. The songs were relatively bunched up, so she had some quick costume changes.

Her fingers seem to have to move with the beat while she dances. I wish I had even part of her rhythm and ability!

“Dancing is the poetry of the foot.” - John Dryden

Friday, June 19, 2009


Tonight will be my fourth time in a week to put Anastasia’s hair up in rollers. Once for picture day, again for dress rehearsal, last night for tonight’s recital, and tonight again for tomorrow’s recital.

But, hey, I will take this “half up curly” style any day over trying to force her straight, fine, not-quite-long enough hair into a ballerina’s bun!

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” - Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Likes his "new" iPod.
Wants to skip Anastasia's recital, but isn't sure it's worth giving up the trip to Dairy Queen afterwards.
Loves my homemade salad dressing.
Is kind of annoying when his friends are over.

“One of the best things in the world to be is a boy; it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one” - Charles Dudley Warner

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


"Every room in your house tells a story, but the most personal narratives are the whispers coming from your bedroom."
Excerpt from Moving On by Sarah Ban Breathnach, one of the many books I am currently reading.

I can't relate to a lot of it, but something I read today resonated with me. The author was talking about how much she loves going to bed at the end of the day. Amen, sister!

Since I am making a concerted effort to catch up on cumulative sleep deprivation this week, I thought it fitting to journal about my bedroom.

“Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.”
William Blake

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Anastasia: What are you going to do when we get home?
Me: Water the garden, cut up cantaloupe and lettuce, call Rick, and I need to find a blog photo.
Anastasia: I could take a photo of you cutting up cantaloupe.
Me (sarcastically): That sounds exciting.

I decided a close-up of me cutting up the melon could be artistic, and probably the best bet in my exhausted "is it time for bed yet?!?" stupor. So here I am, slicing melon at 7pm. I'm not sure why my pinky finger is popped up; probably a sign that I am really a princess and should not be subjected to endlessly preparing fruits and veggies! :)

Whether the knife falls on the melon or the melon on the knife, the melon suffers." ~ African Proverb

Monday, June 15, 2009


As I watered the garden tonight, I was surprised to see so many weeds taking root. They weren't there this weekend when I made my rounds!

On the other hand, it has only been a few days since I harvested the lettuce and spinach to a nub, and it is also back full and ready to harvest again. Now that I am eating two big salads a day and insisting the others eat more salad, I doubt we can stop buying lettuce this summer, but we'll see. I keep planting seeds every three weeks for a steady crop.

"I have seen that community and a close relationship with the land can enrich human life beyond all comparison with material wealth or technical sophistication." - Helena Norberg-Hodge

Sunday, June 14, 2009


fam·i·ly: noun
1. a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head.
2. a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation.
3. the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.

We may all live under the same roof, but it is hard to get us all together for a family photo. Or agree on a photo location. Our numbers at service were low today (the first Sunday of summer), but we got to worship with our church family today.

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." ~Desmond Tutu

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I found a way to motivate the kids.

"If we get the house cleaned up real quick, we can go to Wendy's for dessert." Zoom, things were all of the sudden done. No hmm'ing and ha'ing and dragging of feet.

I read on a friends blog that Wendy's has coffee Frosty's now, so I had to go check that out. Tasty, but not worth putting up with the awful service.

“He who wants to change the world should already begin by cleaning the dishes.” Paul Carvel

Friday, June 12, 2009


Things have been busy lately, so I haven't been making much progress on walking every street of our neighborhood.

Tonight was had a break from shuttling the kids to and fro, so we took a long walk. We just happened to go by Anastasia's school, and I thought this was fitting for the last day of school.

"Summer vacation is as American as apple pie." Steve Shattuck

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today, the second to last day of school, brought awards assemblies at both schools.

Xander's teacher "twisted my arm" (by merely asking me) to take time off work to attend the hour long clapping frenzy at his school.

Both kids got several certificates today. Some silly, some representing great effort. Xander was given the President's Award. Great job, kiddos!

“Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the enjoyment of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort”- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I finally got my toenails painted tonight. Yay me!

Seven items on my weekly to do list crossed off, nine to go. Three mornings of getting up too early down, two more to go.

Happy midweek!

“You will never stub your toe standing still. The faster you go, the more chance there is of stubbing your toe, but the more chance you have of getting somewhere.” Charles F. Kettering

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I had the opportunity today to take a long lunch to attend Xander's 20 minute graduation ceremony. And I loved that he was listed in the program and announced as Xander.

Another chapter of our lives, elementary school, is almost over. The only bittersweet part is the realization that I am now the middle aged lady that I used to glance at and wonder about in my youth and younger parenting days. Time flies!

We expect good things from Xander as he moves up to middle school. Not the same things as his sister, but good things.

"Let's assume that each person has an equal opportunity, not to become equal, but to become different. To realize whatever unique potential of body, mind and spirit he or she possesses." -John Fischer (no relation)

Monday, June 8, 2009


Last year I grew poppies from seed in my new raised bed. This year I was surprised that they came back, and even stronger.

June 2009 Real Simple poll: What is the best thing money can't buy?
- A husband who truly listens.
- A house full of sleeping children.
- Solitude
- A good photograph.
- Memories
- Faith
- The wit of children.

And, poppies!

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
- Marcel Proust

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Bruce calls this his pirate cyborg look.

As I see it, I have two options. One is to throw a fit and insist that he throw the broken glasses away and act his age. Or I can just go with the flow and wait for him to get bored with yet another phase of amusing those around him.

I almost took option one, but I decided it doesn't really matter. Maybe I'm maturing, even if he isn't. :)

What's your cyborg name?
B.R.U.C.E.: Biomechanical Robotic Unit Calibrated for Exploration
M.I.C.H.E.L.E.: Mechanical Intelligent Construct Hardwired for Exploration and Logical Education
A.N.A.S.T.A.S.I.A.: Artificial Networked Android Skilled in Troubleshooting, Accurate Sabotage and Immediate Assassination
A.L.E.X.A.N.D.E.R.: Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Xpert Assassination, Nocturnal Destruction and Efficient Repair

Party on!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Last July, when we were on vacation, we dropped the Moovin' Moose travel bug into a cache machine in North Dakota, with the goal of him making his way back to Longview.

It took almost a year, but today we retrieved Moovin' Moose from a cache across town! He traveled 11,652 miles on his journey, so his route was quite circuitous. He went through New York City, Salt Lake City, and Mexico, neither of which we encountered on our drive to the Dakotas. He also spent time in the Tetons, which sounds more like our trip.

I'm holding the cache, Xander is holding the travel bug, and Anastasia has a photo montage that someone created of his travels.

Our other travels today took us to a baby shower (Bruce had all the baby food flavors figured out pronto), Xander's last soccer game (they dominated and Xander scored a goal), and Relay for Life BBQ (dill salmon, yum!).

"No sooner did this flexible herbivore get dropped off at the Lily Pad and he was on the moooooove yet again. He'll mosey along soon enough." - Travel bug post by geocacher
guan34 in April

Friday, June 5, 2009


Hangin' at Coldstone.

Tonight was an organized church dessert night and we had a great turnout.

The older kids were pouring over yearbooks. Most of the discussions were around which teachers were mean and what classmates were cute.

Oh, to be young again!

“If the only way we judged hunger was how full the stomach is, no one would ever have dessert.”
Mark Friedman

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I've rewritten my blog entry a few different times a few different ways. And I'm not happy with any of it tonight.

So, I'll just leave you with this photo of Anastasia working on a school project and wait for the dawn of another Friday!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I don't think I ever look like this when I run. I can't seem to get off the ground.

I took a long lunch today to watch Anastasia's first track event. She was too young to join this year; this was an intro event for next year.

She didn't place higher than 4th in any events, but she's got some fast girls in her grade. It's fun to see her pushing.

“I once dated a girl on the track team. It didn't work out. She kept giving me the runaround.” Scott Roeben

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I wanted to feature Anastasia today since it is her day, but I could not resist this photo - chubby little hands demanding a kiss. He even gave his Aunt Michele a kiss through the binkie; just hugs are not enough.

Guess who surprised us with a visit today?!? Anastasia had a band concert tonight, so the WHOLE gang decided to make the LONG trek. It was hot and stuffy and miserable in the gym bleachers, but it is always fun to see Anastasia play. She is now in the Jazz Band too (when she wakes up in time to get to the early morning practices!), so she had more play time.

“Happiness is like a kiss...you must share it to enjoy it.” - Unknown

Monday, June 1, 2009


I was looking through my scrapbooks and saw a layout about me in the year 2000.

Things that are still the same:
I still love chewy candy, taking photos, and traveling with Bruce. I enjoy praise songs and adore coffee milkshakes.

Things that are no longer the same:
I don't watch prime time drama series anymore. I don't get joy out of naps. I prefer plain comfortable socks over fancy ones, and I've grown beyond liking cardigan sweaters (even thought hey are still practical). I no longer want an old white Mercedes.

“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, although the people in them change so much.” - Unknown