Thursday, January 31, 2008


Sick puppy.

Xander had no school today. No food either. And staying awake seems to be too much trouble.

We miss him, even though he has been incredibly grumpy and whiny. He usually starts our dinnertime prayer. And puts napkins on the table. And pesters me about when I'll be done with my computer.

Hoping you're back on your feet soon, buddy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Tonight at church they mentioned that it was just epiphany and now next week is Ash Wednesday. I don't feel that way though. I can't believe it's almost February, but I feel like Christmas was ages ago.

But I'm getting reminders.

We watched the last nights
new episode of House this evening, and it was supposed to be the Christmas episode. Seemed very out of place. Writers strike messed everything up.

And the tack box arrived.

In early December I went to order the American Girl stuff that she was requesting from Santa, and Jackson's tack box, a limited addition item available only while supplies last, was gone. My heart sank. I felt like a heel for not ordering them earlier, not realizing that Anastasia already KNEW that it was long sold out. Two years ago we already burst her Santa bubble when we couldn't find the
pink Nintendo DS on her list. Yes, she's spoiled.

So I got her other items on her wish list instead, but I've been watching e-bay for over a month waiting for the prices to go down. I finally snagged one for $10 over retail. I had to sit there while it closed and bid with 30 seconds left, but I got it!

When it arrived Bruce looked at and said "carrots?!?". Yep, just a saddle, saddle bag, brush, bandages, and
three carrots. In a fancy box.

But Anastasia is thrilled. Now she just hands to earn it. With seven consecutive days of a
clean room. How long will it take?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Yesterday I only got one photo, the one I posted on the blog.

Today I have 55!

Probably none of which I would have taken if I wasn't doing Project 365.

I started shooting at 7:30am while I waited in line with the chip trucks to get through the security gate, and Xander played the role of our paparazzi at Starbucks at 7:30pm.

I took photos of myself in the rearview mirror at stop lights driving home from work. I took photos of Anastasia setting the table for dinner, from outside and from inside. I took pictures of our log piles at work, and I almost drove down the way to get a shot of the chip truck sticking up in the air dumping his load. And I took artistic close-ups of our coffee cups and the map of Washington to the Dakotas, planning our trip through Yellowstone this summer.

Similar versions of today's photos may show up later this year, but this is my pick for today. Because this one will be hard to recreate.


Another Monday.

I wish I had tried harder to take photos of our log decks with the snow on them. They call them logsicles. But my hands were full (laptop in briefcase, purse, treat for a birthday celebration, lunch, and my water bottle) and I was just trying not to fall on my bum.

It was quiet when I first got to work, so I snapped a photo of my computer screen instead. Took last Friday afternoon off, so I had a screen full of new mail. I also had to scrounge around for an extra mouse, because I accidentally left mine at home.

The weird tree looking thing on the left is a Christmas present from Bruce, from the Museum of Modern Art.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


I make the 90 minute trek to Seaside at least once a month. It's a really pretty drive. I mark my progress by various landmarks that I enjoy - the fields and livestock near Clatskanie, the houseboats floating on the river at John Day, the darling Victorian houses as I weave through Astoria, and the fun little honor system flower stands between Warrenton and Seaside.

Today on our way home from Cannon Beach I asked Bruce if we could stop to photograph the houseboats. For us they are a bit of a running joke. Normally I'm by myself, watching the road, and can only see the houses in one direction. One trip Bruce was driving and pointed out the house boats that I can't normally see on the other side of the river. I told him that there was another point along the drive where you could see more cute house boats, not realizing that it was the same river. Duh! He won't let me live it down.

We got off highway 30, but that got us too close to them to photograph them well. So we walked up on the bridge and photographed them the way that I normally glimpse them.


The morning started with Bruce introducing me to a Moldy Peaches song, “Anyone Else But You”. Over and over and over again on the laptop.

We are at a couples retreat. One of the themes is sticking with the person you are with. The grass is greener where you water it. God built us to be different, we are not going to find someone more compatible.

We had a five hour block of free time. Our first choice was to hike, but the weather wasn’t cooperating. So we went to the theater and saw the runaway hit Juno. It’s a “comedy” about a teenager dealing with a pregnancy. It was a worthwhile use of 90 minutes, but it was an odd movie. Folksy is a good description. Bruce and the movie theater staff were shocked that I had not even heard of the movie.

One of the messages I got out of the movie is to stick with the person you are with. Oh, and another theme was the song “Anyone Else But You”. It’s in the movie twice.

Friday, January 25, 2008



And today was an especially good Friday, because my workday was over at 11:45am today. Cannon Beach here I come!

This photo was taken downtown at lunchtime. We were just goofing off, but it turned out to be better than the photo we pulled off to take from Highway 30 looking back at Longview.

Isn't it nice that the parked cars coordinate with my coat? Sometimes things just work out... like getting Bruce to take me to a "girly" restaurant for lunch.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


This necklace holder is a gift I bought myself last year. It's marketed as a wall mounted metal necklace holder with inlaid emerald metallic glass tiles. It hangs right by the toilet in our main bathroom.

I knew that if I could see my necklaces that I would wear them more. I like to hide them away in spots that thieves would not quickly find them. And that stopped me from buying any type of holder for a long time. Our house was robbed when I was growing up, and it left an impression. If a druggy took my necklaces for a quick pawn, I would be really sad. Not because any of my jewelry is worth very much money, but because most of the necklaces have fond memories. One is even passed down from my great grandmother.

Now they hang in a hidden alcove, but where I see them. And I almost always grab one as part of my morning routine. An added bonus of a hanging holder instead of a jewelry case is that I can easily try a shorter or longer style if my first choice doesn't work with my shirt.

I collect
Willow Trees, books, scrapbook supplies, salad dressing, and necklaces. Simple pleasures for a simple girl with a warped brain.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Here's an artistic shot. Inspired by nwscrapmom's recurring theme of frozen photos, Lynette's recent cold photos, and scrappingangelsuk's encouragement to document where we live.

I took this morning off in my effort to take my vacation days this year. And I just rested rather than expecting much out of the extra hours.

Our lake has been frozen over for the past few days, so I wanted to walk over there and take some photos in the daylight. I got some different shots, but this one is my favorite. It was Bruce's idea to shoot into the sun.

The lake,
Lake Sacajawea, represents where we live. Our house is half a block from the lake, which is the focal point of Longview, we do a lot of activities at the lake, and I drive along the lake on my way to and from work now.

it's cold outside.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hail Starbucks! A beacon of light in the darkness. Sometimes even a reason to get up in the morning.

Note the dark and the ice. And this was after two hours of driving!

Today I got up at 4:15am and made my monthly trek to Aberdeen to attend a 7:30 operations meeting and check in with my staff there. The meeting used to start at 7am, I should feel blessed.

Mostly I just feel tired.

But a "Grande Hazelnut Mocha non-fat, no whip" sure helps. $4.01 of motivation to keep pushing through the bleary eyes and chill that won't leave my bones.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Another Monday.

Mornings often feel like I've been hit by a mack truck. But today I had the freight train running through my head too. Being sick is no fun.

Today's photo represents the things I gather as I go off to work. My badge, my keys, my water bottle, and a lunch. Those who know me well know that a purse is optional (I seem to travel without it frequently, often unintentionally). This week and last I am ferrying my book back and forth to read on my lunch break, since my reading group discussion is fast approaching.

Some days I grab a banana (to try to avoid all the sweets surrounding me at the office). Some days I cart tins of hand mixed cocoa and
orange cappuccino back and forth, I'm trying to break my two cups a day habit.

And, today I needed an ice scraper

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Bruce introduced me to Star Trek. He introduced me to mochas back when Starbucks had fewer than 100 stores (over 10,000 stores now). He introduced me to Jesus. He introduced me to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. And he introduced me to hazelnut.


Gotta love Burgerville, it's hazelnut milkshake AND sweet potato fry season!

And gotta love the guy who keeps broadening my horizons.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I drove over 5 hours today.

My mission? To get tennis shoes at the wide shoe store (my shoes are not just wide, but are double wide!), and to visit my grandparents in north Seattle. They will be leaving in two weeks for a two month trek to California, Arizona, and their timeshare in Mazatlan.

This isn't the best photo of Grama Bunnie and Grampa Rod, but they seem to be hard to photograph. We were playing SkipBo; I smoked them not once, but twice. I lived with "G&G", as I call them, during the summers and for two years of college, and we played a lot of games. Rummy, Chinese checkers, Dominoes. Now its SkipBo, Mexican train, and dice games.

Long day, but good to spend time with family.


Here I am, putting the final touches on a speech I had to give today. You can't really practice giving a speech in your head, you have to say it out loud and get the flow down. And I have to stand up and pretend like I'm at the podium. That's what I was doing this morning when I finally drug my sickly self out of bed, but before I even did my hair.

Tonight I hosted a retirement party for an employee who started at Weyerhaeuser in 1970, before I was even born. It was a great party. I even survived my speech. They are never as horrible as you imagine.

But why is there a jar of Johnny's seasoning on our clean table?
[editors note: Because Bruce likes it there!]

Thursday, January 17, 2008


When I am out and about and don't have my camera along, I mentally say "snap" and take a photo in my head. I took about 5 mental photos today on my way to and from work. And even thought up the blog journaling for fun. I cut my hours short by 30 minutes each way today, and it's amazing how a little more daylight changes the landscape.

But I'm feeling punk today, so did not run out to try to recapture any of my mental photos.

Didn't have to wait long for another photo opportunity, though. Bruce and I were talking about how the crock pot meal for today is not very photo worthy when Xander came flying around the corner carrying a Littlest Pet Shop playground. It didn't take him long to figure out that the camera in my hand could be used against him. The eyes say it all. He was being a good brother, bringing it to Dad to fix a wayward piece. But I'm going to exploit him anyway.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I had a photo of the devilled eggs we always take to monthly potluck at church, but this photo won out instead. Like Bruce says "you do devilled eggs every month. Anastasia doesn't join a Southwest Washington choir every month." True.

Church had music tonight, so I'll go with a music theme.

The musician told a story before he sang every song, about the song. It made the songs so much cooler. Wouldn't it be cool to hear all the stories behind all the songs we hear all the time?

But back to Anastasia. She is now part of a regional honor choir. She has no idea where she'll be performing, but she thinks that she'll be practicing every Thursday after school. She doesn't know how big the choir is, but thinks there are about 10 kids from her school. Today she sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow and a song about losing her homework.

I asked Anastasia to hold her info packet and pose for me, singing. I got a ton of fun shots, enough for a whole layout!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Our day took a big u-turn today. I was expecting to drive to Seaside today to share financials at the operations team meeting, and I ended up in my Longview office. The kids expected an ordinary day at school and ended up at Starbucks sipping hot chocolate. Bruce was expecting to actually get something done today, and ended up frustrated and grumpy instead.

I took a photo of the thick ice on my car this morning, but it just didn't turn out the way I hoped. It was so bad that my key wouldn't go in the door. Not only did I not drive to Seaside, but I didn't even drive to work. Bruce drove me and we found out kids under 12 aren't allowed at my new office, according to the security nazis.

I didn't take this photo, and I wasn't even there. Will my adoring fans shun me like the controversial Kristina Contes story going around? I think not. Because this is my blog, so they are my rules!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Getting ready for my day. A dreaded Monday.

I've used the same style of curling iron and comb for years and years. I like my iron super hot and my hair super bouncy.

I always feel like a dork when my photo is taken. Maybe I wouldn't LOOK like such a dork if I didn't FEEL like such a dork! I should work on that...

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Our lesson in Sunday School today was about how God cares for us so much more than the birds and flowers. The birds don't worry about what they will eat and the flowers don't worry about what they will wear, so we should worry less too. Going with the flower garden theme, I made my students "dirt pie" for snack today. Complete with hidden gummy worms! If only it was as easy to stop worrying as it is to mix pudding!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Today was a lazy Saturday. The kind where you have to tell the kids to get dressed so we can go to lunch. I wish every Saturday could be a lazy Saturday. Well, not really, because I like to go and do too. But we have two packed weekends ahead of us, and somehow that seems overwhelming. Xander was a good sport about posing for me as I practiced close-ups. Behind the scenes, though, he was giving me instructions on how to log on his Webkinz account to get the goody of the hour for him.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Both Anastasia and Alexander are good with younger kids. Little kids are attracted to them, and they usually respond in a loving manner. It makes me a proud mom. Tonight was Family Movie Night at church, and this is one of Anastasia's groupies, Lexi. So sweet!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Tonight was haircut night. I have a standing appointment every four weeks, whether my hair is behaving or not. The guys popped into Studio M to take some shots, talk about conspicuous!

And to top it off, last time he was there Bruce was rude to my stylist with his "you made my wife look ugly" pouting. He's not a fan of the constant change, no matter how subtle...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Wednesdays are church night. Simple supper together, then we disperse to various classes and activities. We had spaghetti with meatballs, salad and bread. Bruce collected the money tonight, you can see him at the head of the table. Trevor, far left, said that he was copyrighted after I snapped this shot. Guess I owe him some royalties. I rarely take my camera to church, I felt very conspicuous. But it's a huge part of our life, and Project 365 gives me an excuse.

Tonight we talked about focusing on what's going on in your life versus focusing on where your life is going. Chew on that.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The photo doesn't show it well, but when I got home from work today, the first thing that struck me is that I was back in the 80's. Anastasia had a springy ponytail sticking out of the side of her head. She's even got those goofy ponytail holders!

It seems like she has been wearing her Bronx Zoo sweatshirt since the 80's, this is a treasured and very filthy souvenir from her trip to NYC.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Some of you think that I am very neat and organized. Others know the truth. You can tell my mental health by the color of my nails (clear means I'm not sane, pink means I'm not feeling in control, and dark colors mean life is good). In some ways you can also tell my mental health by how cleared off my scrapbook table is. In 2007 things were pretty crazy and cluttered. So far 2008 feels worse, not better...

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today at church Pastor John encouraged us to kneel more, but I don't think this is what he had in mind. Hail to the Game Cube on Epiphany Sunday!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Today was Kayla’s third birthday party in Auburn. We took a lot of photos today, but this stolen moment is my favorite. An excited toddler kissing her mom. Much Little Mermaid fun followed, including a piñata, playing limbo, and the cake lovingly decorated by Grandma.


What strikes me about this photo is how childlike her hands still look. Without her face showing, it is easier to ignore the fact that she is tweening.

TGIF; a fun evening of Jenga. We all took a turn at toppling the pile, but the guys were much more daring.


This is not a flattering photo at all, but it is real life. A Post-It note with my cell phone number on the monitor for Xander to use when we aren’t home, my new Webkinz Milo on the scanner, books for bookins scattered all over, and junk everywhere!


Bruce became a full fledged member of Rotary today. I’m not sure why that is exciting, but he was pretty pumped about his free hat!


What’s in your cupboard? This was not intended to be my first photo of 2008, but I was trying to capture a photo to go with a comment Anastasia made about taking vitamins everyday during an interview for our 2006 family album.

I decided that this was a very cool example of our everyday life, and just a little glimpse at how random Bruce is.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

How I got here

My 2008 new years resolutions are as follows: lose weight (the same 10 pounds I lose every year, plus the last five pounds to get to my goal), take my earned vacation before it expires, scrapbook more, and take more photos. For a scrapbooker, I took very few photos in 2007, and that makes me sad.

My internet scrapbook buddies started talking about Project 365, taking a photo a day. I decided I would try it, that would be a good way to take more photos. Then Lynette set up a blog. I didn't see myself as a blogger, but I could see how it would keep me accountable and energized to stick with it. And Bruce offered to help (well, do it, really!).

So here I am. And boy is it different to choose a photo, journal about it, and share it, versus just knowing that you shot a few photos with no real care whether they turned out great.